You are probably wondering if your outdoor sign needs a new look due to fading, rust, old technology, or just an unattractive design.
Outdoor signage is the customer’s first interaction with your store or building. From their strategic positioning to the color scheme and design, the sole purpose is to draw the customer in and captivate their attention. An outdoor sign could be at eye level, visible at a distance, or located right above your store.
It is important to recognize the three hints that your outdoor signage is maybe giving you about a possible replacement.
Hint 1: Your Outdoor Signage Hasn’t Been Replaced in Years
It becomes easy to fall into the trap of daily grind, and that can cause you to ignore the condition of your outdoor sign. But believe it or not, your outdoor sign is as important as a website, and it needs to be updated as frequently as a company redesigns its logo.
There is a saying that old items must be thrown out and new things must take their place. That can be a warning to replace outdated signage. With time, people’s tastes and preferences evolve, and your outdoor sign is a reflection of your business’s updated practices. Now-a-days, most businesses are installing illustrations/murals and LED-based signage.
Hint 2: Your Outdoor Signage is Damaged Beyond Repair
Just like other objects, your outdoor signage will not remain brand new forever. Instead, it has a specific lifespan, after which it will start showing the effects of wear and tear or signs of paint chipping away, fading or discoloration.
The growing rust, chipping paint, or absence of light in standard bulb based signs hints that your outdoor signage is too damaged. Likewise, extreme weather changes or excessive sunlight exposure can show predicted hints of wear and tear. The chances are that you are starting to realize your outdoor sign has seen its good days and needs a replacement.
A well-maintained professional outdoor sign communicates to your potential customers that you take care of your business!
Hint 3: Your Outdoor Signage is not Modern and Effective Enough
Even if it hasn’t been years and your outdoor sign has just got a fresh coat of paint, it still may appear outdated and not modern enough. This means that you also need to keep yourself updated with the latest trends and designs in outdoor signage.
You need to ensure that you meet the rules outlined for the viewing distance of outdoor signs. Never forget to have an eye catching design/color scheme for your outdoor signage. Getting inspired is the first step to having a modern and effective sign. A good sign company can help you design effective and modern outdoor signage bound to attract people to know more about your business.
So you could say that taking care of your outdoor sign is like taking care of a company’s image.